Wednesday, July 29, 2009

When LOVE means something else.....

Funny how I thought I had posted this topic b4, anyhoos, I was with some bunch of pre-teens, helping them learn one or two things about growing up wisely and making a positive difference in the society we live in and I innocently gave an example about how you tell your fellow friend that you love him/her and won’t let them act in a wrong way etc, and before I even finished, one of the boys, a cute 11 year old boy just cut me short. He said” Aunty please can you use a different word, that love sounds kinda creepy” and you could tell he was almost blushing and very uncomfortable. Jeeez, what’s wrong with the word love I asked sweetly? And he says its either gay or they are too young to use the word and more examples from the rest of the team. I was left astounded. I thought Love was suppose to be an intimate feeling between two people, where affection, joy, peace and pillow fights are acceptable, I thought love was an affection shared between parents and kids, friends and colleagues etc. Even the bible linked love to patience, kindness, understanding and the rest of them, in fact welcome your brother with a holy kiss (meaning love your neighbour as yourself) But his word struck a chord. Truly, what is love? Is it a word that sounds creepy, a verb or noun that is a password to get laid? What has become of love where relationships are now based on deceit, name calling and cheating? Is it love that makes a woman endure a marriage where she’s been physically and emotionally abused? Why is it so hard to teach our kids and siblings that it’s okay to use the word “I love you” indisputably? I want to have a home where my kids will not be shy or afraid to use the word LOVE, I want to teach my kids and nieces, nephews, cousins, god kids what it means to love and be loved-AGAPE to EROS guiding them every step of the way. I want to have a home where my husband and I will have fun playing xbox, wii especially the rockband, and pillow fighting and watch soccer together where Chelsea beats whichever team he’s a fan of and of course I won’t mind him stealing my beef when I’m cooking, lol. I want a home where my family and I would share the word of God in fun and exciting ways and above all where Love has come to stay. But what then is love? My friend would always say, xxx wake up from your dream and face reality there is no such thing as love. While I hope you guys share your thoughts with me, I’m gonna try and convince my lil pals that love is more yummy than creepy. xoxo.....

Monday, July 6, 2009

Triple 'A' Woman

For some reason, i just couldn’t bring myself to wake up early for church yesterdy. It wasn’t like i was lazy or anything, maybe sometimes sha, like 25% of the time, but i knew i should have cos i had to teach the kids at Sunday school but somehow somehow, i ended up not going, so i decided not to be a bad child completely and so i went online to see if i could watch one of the previous Joel Osteen ministration but funny how the live service just came on and i said, this is it, i’m going to be present via internet. I was a tiny little bit disappointed when Joel didn’t come out, cos i always looked forward to his jokes before preaching, but with a shrug, i settled in to listen to his sister minister and my life has never been the same, lol. True oh You know most time when you feel a little depressed about something or compare yourself to others and wished you were them. Wished you’ve got their looks, brains, money, job etc and look down on yourself rite since we humans are never content with what we have most times, I’m a big example, i had always dreamt of the day i’ll put on weight, it almost became an obsession even though people still tell me I look great the way I am, i always wanted to be that person getting better grades than I, I always wanted to be as fine as Hally Berry instead of being where God has put me and being who God has designed me to be. Lisa Cowes made me realize I’ve been insulting God all along by complaining and comparing instead of loving me for whom I am. The only time you shine the most and get people to turn as you pass is when you are content with who God has created you to be and have every reason to celebrate it (i’m not saying you shouldn’t strive to be the very best in all your endeavours though) As from now henceforth, I’m celebrating my figure 8 and loving my small body and loving everything for who God has created me to be. I am a triple ‘A’ woman. Appointed, Anointed and Approved. Ain’t gonna please no man, woman, professor, boss, . I am me, fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God and His likeness, I am the apple of His eyes, A city set on a hill that cannot be moved, greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world. God has stamped me and you with the seal of everlasting approval, fear not guys esp if you have been feeling bad about yourself, your looks, your job, your grades, your finances....he has made you to be unique and uncommon and special. People will only make you feel bad because deep down in their heart, they wish they had what you have. LAFF is beginning to grow wings, i’m getting kinda nervous but the good news is that we are reaching out to our beloved in Bayelsa too, so xmas is just going to be the best this year by God’s grace.